life as understood

by jeff carr, master of the arts, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- presumably from a couch


cabinet meeting

courtesy of Jeff |

I was sitting in cabinet meeting last night, and we were going around introducing ourselves at the outset. That was our first official meeting. Anyhow, we were supposed to say our name, major, you know, whatever we deemed pertinent. Well, the last guy seemed to think that his entire life story up to that point was pertinent, despite the fact that the first three of us just gave the aforementioned basic information. This dude took about 15 minutes talking about all of his previous majors, why he switched, his jobs, what he likes about them, dislikes, etc. It was excruciating. I would have leaped across the room and tried to take him down, but he was huge. I think he had the biggest feet I've ever seen on a non-NBA player. Peter, the president, is a friend of mine, and did his best to keep the meeting on task, but the guy just wouldn't stop. Throughout the meeting, he seemed to think that every tiny little musing that came to mind was vital for the cabinet. He should start a blog.
I'm at work now in the USU Writing Center. This is probably physically where most of these musings will originate. I'll only have a couple of minutes now, between appointments, because we're booked all day, for some reason. This is a great job, except I had to turn down Jazz preseason tickets the other day because of it. Oh well. We lost anyway.

1 responses:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.
